Personally it bugs me a person buys a Dog, Then when the dog misbehaves they sell it on, or dump it. how about this one they buy a dog it stays with them until its 5 they decided they must travel, or they have a baby on the way and its time for the dog to move on. To anyone that will buy it or take it.
Yes there are so really genuine reasons, like the owner passes away, etc. why do breeders breed and sell the dog on for just cash, then the dog ends up unwanted by a person that thought it was cute in the photo and got board with it.
Its no different to having a Child and selling it on because the novelty wore off. This is unlikely because we are as humans dedicated normally to our own off spring knowing them until we grow old and pass on.
Yet a dogs life is measured by whim, $$$$ and a desire to own a cute wee canine.
SO I'm annoyed, what are your thoughts on pet owners? It will never change of course unless the world changes. Are you one of those people that were left picking up the pieces?
I love my dogs always will, they are my children, they travel with me on holidays, and they will always be here. If only I could own hundreds of them :0)
What are your thoughts on people that own a dog and get rid of it?
Sometimes a person really cannot make time or afford to keep a dog. If they do everything they can to find it a good home, then kudos to them. They recognize that they cannot give the dog the time or attention it needs and do something about it. Some people would just lock the dog in the backyard or bathroom (yes, I know someone who did this) and never do anything with it. Just because someone gives an animal away does not mean they are %26quot;mean.%26quot; Some people do give away or sell their pet because they want a cute and cuddly pretrained %26quot;accessory%26quot; but I think there are also many that have good intentions and just can't handle the animal.
What are your thoughts on people that own a dog and get rid of it?
As long as they don't dump it or abuse it, I think it is fine. They are dogs, a big difference from children, if you don't see that, well, WOW!
I know that there are reasons that people have to give up dogs. It's for this very reason that the very LEAST any breeder (responsible and irresponsible alike) should take back any dog that the buyer can no longer keep. I personally would never get rid of my dog because of some of the minor behavior problems I've seen people get rid of dogs for. That's why you hire a trainer, and if you don't think the dog is worth trying to train than you were obviously one of those impulse buyers who thought the puppy was so cute and had to have it. My dog is like my, he IS my child. I love him unconditionally and if he ever had a behavior problem that was SO bad I couldn't train him out of it or he was dangerous I would have him euthanized, not dump him off on someone else to be mistreated.
I agree with you. It makes no sense that someone would get a dog and then give it up. Theres no excuse, if you buy a dog, you are getting a life long commitment, and a life that is held totally in your hands. And a lot of people just don't see it that way.
i agree with you it annoys the freak out of me. People who do that for no good reason are hypocrites! Unlike what most people thinks dogs DO have emotions and they get extremely hurt by this. they get deeply attached to their owners. It's like adopting a child and dumping it on someone else when its not 'cute' anymore. its cruel!
i think its annoying when after a week someone wants to give up on their dog and training it..its like, it is a puppy, what did you expect? it takes time and work..
i think people need to think it through first..especially if they are able to afford the dog or not..its like why get a dog and then something happens and it needs to go to the vet and you have no money??? why get it then?
yeah i share your frustration!
WOW! I can't believe people are actually comparing an animal to humans. My kids talk to me, the dogs that I HAD didn't/couldn't. I do agree that people shouldn't get dogs if they can't handle all the responsibilities that come with them, but to compare them to children is ridiculous.
A dog is a lifetime commitment and should be treated as such. There are no excuses in my opinion. If for some reason you MUST find a home, never place a %26quot;free to good home%26quot; Ad. There are people referred to as %26quot;bunchers%26quot; who look for these ads. They will actually show up at your door with a child to make you believe the dog is going to a good home. They then take your pet to testing facilities to turn a profit. OR your animal does get taken by someone whose intentions are pure but later on cannot take care of the dog and find them a home again or take them to a shelter perpetuating the cycle. Its very sad. Always find a home yourself through a friend or a friend of a friend. If you have a purebred, take them to a rescue that deal with their breed. Surrender the dog with remaining food and toys PLUS a donation if possible. The animal will be fostered and find a good home. Always adopt, One by one until there are none!
I agree with you. There are legit reasons ppl have to give up their pets but the majority I have seen are not.
Pll swear they do the research on the breed but they don't %26amp; are always surprised to find out it takes time %26amp; effort into owning a dog esp. the long hair or more difficult breeds. Many times it is an impulse buy when someone they know or knows of another person selling pups or walking by the pet store %26amp; just have to save that puppy from a cage.
I have been to my shelters looking to adopt %26amp; there are literally families there who go often to look at the unwanted pets like it is a zoo but a free one. Of course ppl also adopt on impulse then discover the dog was abused or not given enough info cuz the shelter didn't have on the dog either.
I have adopted 7 dogs so far %26amp; am very glad their owners didn't want them. I ended up with 7 great dogs with no problems(1 was a show dog %26amp; 1 was bought as a pup for $2000) some are purebreds %26amp; some are mutts. Their loss was my gain %26amp; I like to think my dogs' gain also.