Friday, 16 September 2011

Kamal karna roy, a us presidential hopeful and demanding to be nominated gop presidential candidate:do u know?


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Arizona's Booster Socialism

A new imbroglio about an old and discredited practice.

- By George F. Will

CommentsLISANROY wrote:

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Arizona's Booster Socialism

A new imbroglio about an old and discredited practice.

- By George F. Will

CommentsLISANROY wrote:

obama. hillary and mcCain all three have shown their deficits in public image which create deep concern among we the people in usa to investgate/ reopen investigations on female lobbyist pleasure pursuit for influence pedalling (felony charg)against, i r s tax fraud by obama for easy and convinient financing of r /e deal involving obamas house in illinois , in assistance of rezco but obama criminally did not report to i r s for his gain in money in sweet_heart financing on the deal, even gain in illegal conduct on this , the shrewed obama , as reported did not report gain to irs, and that a felony; similarly hillary 1/2 successfully evaded issue of corruption in her involvement in white water r/e scandal , which she temporarily delayed or evaded in wearing cloak of a clintonian first woman. she is not wearing any defence cloak, so f b i et al lawfully and easily punish her for her abusive tendency to common we the people. many in arkansas lost money for hillary's high handed orruption . We the people in usa should not reawad her with u s presidency and we the people would like to see her established in a correction house for her corruption if proved in laws of u s court and bar her for a federal full time job of u s president w e f 1.20. 2009'

poor saps who bought Brokaw's story--like me--don't fret. So did Rep. Lacy Clay, Obama’s Missouri co-chairman and pledged Obama superdelegate himself. Clay told the Columbia Missourian yesterday that the 50 superdelegates would come out of the closet %26quot;later this week%26quot;--and then took the stats one step further, claiming that %26quot;the campaign is Obama’s.%26quot; “[Sen. Clinton] will not make up those numbers,” Clay said. “This race is over.” Which wouldn't have been true in any case--an additional 200 or so superdelegates would've still remained uncommitted, and Clinton and Obama would've been roughly tied among these party leaders. But it's even less true today.

Now that Clinton's death-defying wins in Texas and Ohio have prolonged the contest and slowed Obama's momentum among party poobahs, there's a bigger story to watch: an increasing willingness among superdelegates to band together and seek concessions from the presidential candidates in return for votes at the convention. Last night, the Politico reported that bloc of uncommitted Ohio supers--perhaps including Reps. March Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Tim Ryan, Zack Space, Betty Sutton and Charlie Wilson, and Sen. Sherrod Brown--is %26quot;withholding endorsements from Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton until one or the other offers a concrete proposal to protect American jobs,%26quot; according to two state Democrats.

At this point, everyone knows that Obama and Clinton need superdelegate support to put them over the top--the superdelegates included. With the contest now likely to continue until the convention, I suspect it won't be long before others start making similar demands

3/16/2008 11:35:01 AM

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markrw wrote:

Ahh, George! You were so close! You and this conflation of speech and money. While you may be in line with the current courts, as someone obsessed with original intent, do you really believe that the founding fathers defined speech in such a way that would dis-proportionally award more speech (and therefore influence) to some and not others? Isn’t speech the very quality that a person has idependant of status and money? In the fusion of democracy and capitalism that currently defines American life, speech is the only freedom left that transcends class, but when you say that money is speech, then you disenfranchize all those without it – surely not an original intent. Oh, and where does the constitution directly say that money is speech? As a strict constructionist, isn’t that a problem?

3/16/2008 11:34:33 AM

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3.16. 2008 opinion of dr the reverend kamal karna karuna roy aka and was born as joseph geronimk jr a guam us born clergy on vow of poverty, i r s rule, and pursuant to u s act 1978 a u s born citizen afor guam born people who were living in mainland usa on day of effective enforcement of law for guam island born people as u s born people status . dr roy as a child becam orphan (dob 3.31.2008 when parents were visiting as religious workers in east city of british india viz dacca city in a religious biased area pro islamic:in religious riot , then was frequent those days in dacca region of britisn india.:

ColumnsYour Comments On...

Arizona's Booster Socialism

A new imbroglio about an old and discredited practice.

- By George F. Will

CommentsLISANROY wrote:

obama. hillary and mcCain all three have shown their deficits in public image which create deep concern among we the people in usa to investgate/ reopen investigations on female lobbyist pleasure pursuit for influence pedalling (felony charg)against, i r s tax fraud by obama for easy and convinient financing of r /e deal involving obamas house in illinois , in assistance of rezco but obama criminally did not report to i r s for his gain in money in sweet_heart financing on the deal, even gain in illegal conduct on this , the shrewed obama , as reported did not report gain to irs, and that a felony; similarly hillary 1/2 successfully evaded issue of corruption in her involvement in white water r/e scandal , which she temporarily delayed or evaded in wearing cloak of a clintonian first woman. she is not wearing any defence cloak, so f b i et al lawfully and easily punish her for her abusive tendency to common we the people. many in arkansas lost money for hillary's high handed orruption . We the people in usa should not reawad her with u s presidency and we the people would like to see her established in a correction house for her corruption if proved in laws of u s court and bar her for a federal full time job of u s president w e f 1.20. 2009'

poor saps who bought Brokaw's story--like me--don't fret. So did Rep. Lacy Clay, Obama’s Missouri co-chairman and pledged Obama superdelegate himself. Clay told the Columbia Missourian yesterday that the 50 superdelegates would come out of the closet %26quot;later this week%26quot;--and then took the stats one step further, claiming that %26quot;the campaign is Obama’s.%26quot; “[Sen. Clinton] will not make up those numbers,” Clay said. “This race is over.” Which wouldn't have been true in any case--an additional 200 or so superdelegates would've still remained uncommitted, and Clinton and Obama would've been roughly tied among these party leaders. But it's even less true today.

Now that Clinton's death-defying wins in Texas and Ohio have prolonged the contest and slowed Obama's momentum among party poobahs, there's a bigger story to watch: an increasing willingness among superdelegates to band together and seek concessions from the presidential candidates in return for votes at the convention. Last night, the Politico reported that bloc of uncommitted Ohio supers--perhaps including Reps. March Kaptur, Dennis Kucinich, Tim Ryan, Zack Space, Betty Sutton and Charlie Wilson, and Sen. Sherrod Brown--is %26quot;withholding endorsements from Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton until one or the other offers a concrete proposal to protect American jobs,%26quot; according to two state Democrats.

At this point, everyone knows that Obama and Clinton need superdelegate support to put them over the top--the superdelegates included. With the contest now likely to continue until the convention, I suspect it won't be long before others start making similar demands. dr roy now an ordained clergy registere with manhattan, city pof new york at 1 chamber strrt, new york new york since 1992 with world religions group priest and has been on vow of poverty declared under i r s rule since 1984 as a clergy of goup noeted. a theme of world religions doctrine is any person ofliving human existence can hold multiple religions and name_shake may god/s in any time in single body and soul of a person. thatis to say you could be chritian, a muslim , a hindu et el and follower of jesus, islam, hindu god/ gods BNrha, Vishnu, shjiva/ al in same body and soul , in giving simple notice of your faiths to public arpound you and or any approved public or court notifications and/or affidavits. a so called person with say christian faith onverted to world religions shall keep original faith as religion and all other religions as addititional faithe, and each the religions shall be beneficially covered for thje sid person viz multle marital rights for muslim males shall be covered for all peole who embraced world religions faith by declaration befoe a clergy or notifications in public. additionally marital benefits and equities of religions and marital rules shall be same i e women in islamic fiths et al is declared to be entitled to multiple marriages on need demand.

3/16/2008 11:29:15 AM

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pgr88 wrote:

Socialists will never understand - when the Gov't is in the business of handing out subsidies, tax breaks and making regulations - who wins? It is the big corporations, who have the lawyers and lobbyists.

3/16/2008 11:28:44 AM

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1bernice wrote:

As Citizens for Tax Justice ( reported a few years ago, many corporations accept incentives from state and city governments without ever meeting the conditions they agreed to (number of jobs created, for instance). For these companies, the incentive is merely added to the bottom line without so much as a %26quot;thank you%26quot; to the taxpayers who gave it to them.

I say NO incentives, ever. It is not our role as taxpayers to assume corporate risks of any kind.

3/16/2008 11:14:29 AM

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TedFrier wrote:

Booster SOCIALISM? Come on, George, that is really beneath you. Call it by its real name -- croney capitalism or corporate welfare. Don't engage in Kafka-like political framing by using words you know people will associate with liberalism. What you describe is a failing of conservatism, of the Right. Yet the words you chose -- socialism -- make it seem like a sin of the Left. That really is dishonest and you know it.

3/16/2008 11:03:45 AM

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obama. hillary and mcCain all three have shown their deficits in public image which create deep concern among we the people in usa to investgate/ reopen investigations on female lobbyist pleasure pursuit for influence pedalling (felony charg)against, i r s tax fraud by obama for easy and convinient financing of r /e deal involving obamas house in illinois , in assistance of rezco but obama criminally did not report to i r s for his gain in money in sweet_heart financing on the deal, even gain in illegal conduct on this , the shrewed obama , as reported did not report gain to irs, and that a felony; similarly hillary 1/2 successfully evaded issue of corruption in her involvement in white water r/e scandal , which she temporarily delayed or evaded in wearing cloak of a clintonian first woman. she is not wearing any defence cloak, so f b i et al lawfully and easily punish her for her abusive tendency to common we the people. many in arkansas lost money for hillary's high handed orruption . We the people in usa should not reawad her with u s presidency and we the people would like to see her established in a correction house for her corruption if proved in laws of u s court and bar her for a federal full time job of u s president w e f 1.20. 2009'

poor saps who bought Brokaw's story--like me--don't fret. So did Rep. Lacy Clay, Obama’s Missouri co-chairman and pledged Obama superdelegate himself
Kamal karna roy, a us presidential hopeful and demanding to be nominated gop presidential candidate:do u know?
I will be glad when the election is over if not for any other reason than you will no longer be making these inane postings.
Kamal karna roy, a us presidential hopeful and demanding to be nominated gop presidential candidate:do u know?
%26quot;Presidential Comics%26quot; - http://www.presidentofpakistan…

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I have gone to sleep in continuous reading