Friday, 16 September 2011

Obama reading a Muslim author's book called, The Post American World..?

Does this bother you? Check out the link and give your opinion...

The photo of Obama holding this book while getting off his plan was taken on May 21, 2008 by Doug Mills for the New York Times was taken of Barack Obama in Bozeman, Montana..

The Post-American World was written by Fareed Zakaria who is an editor at Newsweek International, has a regular column in Newsweek, Newsweek International and the Washington Post. He also hosts the weekend CNN program on international affairs, Fareed Zakaria GPS. He was reared Muslim in India but is an American citizen.......he says he's non religious!

The author said that his book, %26quot;The post-American world%26quot; is naturally an unsettling prospect for Americans, but it should not be. This will not be a world defined by the decline of America but rather the rise of everyone else. It is the result of a series of positive trends that have been progressing over the last 20 years, trends that have created an international climate of unprecedented peace and prosperity.%26quot;


So, why isn't Obama reading something from our founding fathers?

Obama reading a Muslim author's book called, The Post American World..?
everything about this Barack Obama bothers me..and when I read the people who defended him I probably wonder more?

When Hitler dictate Mein Kamp to Rudolph Hess when they both were in Prison for creating riots against the current Weimer Republic..he wrote down in plain language what his feeling were and the direction

the *NEW ORDER*%26gt; was going to be in Germany. All the past present and future was laid out..Mien Kamp = my battle or struggle?

Well you can't hold a man accountable for what he reads and reading

one book won't indicate much but this with all his past associates and

deed (that we know about?) make another nail in his coffin

If I had was seen reading *pornography* ie. Playboy or HUSTLER*

what would the general consensus be? or if I had the Bible or the Koran?

We are judged by the books we read __good or bad?__I think I will pass on Mr. Barack Hussein Obama and I voted for every Democrat

since Hubert Horatio Humphrey...and LBJ? I was too young for JFK

but Barack Hussein Obama is NO JFK%26lt; LBJ%26lt; HUMPHREY%26lt; CARTER

or even William Jefferson Clinton..but I still have my thinking and thanks for the question. As you believe you shall receive/
Obama reading a Muslim author's book called, The Post American World..?
It's supposed to bother me because the author is Muslim? /sigh

Try reading what the book is about before making Assumptions.
Burn all the books!
So now, we're banning Muslim books too?

Has Salmon Rushdie been notified that he could get killed here too? sad.
Research before you post....鈥?/a>

who cares what he is reading! Why are so many people unjustly paranoind? it pathetic. I am currently reading a book written by a Muslim. I guess im Muslim too.
you guys bring this muslim , Bs ,at least 26646474678648 times, and I haven't changed my mind, would you please keep going another 845784758457758474 times for next 18 days,

you're pathetic.


Yes this and many more things about Obama bother me.

Thanks for the links, I will send them off to all I know!
A team has to know all it can of a potential enemy


And to read a book of one is only getting to know your adversary

Fareed Zakaria is no radical.
The key to a well rounded education and background is to read works containing many different viewpoints and philosophies. Just because a person reads something doesn't mean they embrace it.

I'm certainly not an Obama fan, but I do respect any person who is well versed and well read on a variety of topics and opinions.
No it does not.

I have read %26quot;Mein Kampf%26quot; by Hitler. You think I might take over the world because I read it or become a Nazi?

No, most well read people read all kinds of books to gain perspective on the world and learn new ideas.

It does not mean that the reader takes all of those ideas from books and puts them into action in their everyday lives.
last time I looked this was the US and we LOVE books here. Thats why we have such a variety and SO many book stores.

I read about a book a night. It's MY right as well as anyone else to read WHAT THEY WANT.

So if you want to read what YOU want to, don't ban anyone elses reading's not your right to do so.
i do not find his views to be socialist at all. if you find his tax plan to be socialist, then you probably don't understand the full ramifications of a graduated tax rate.

it's quite similar to it, only the rich (top 5%) will pay an increased rate, and the poor (95%) will either have a break or stimulus payment...and the notion that this is taking from the hardworkers and handing to lazy people is a very insulting one.

just because i'm making less than 250k does not make me lazy or not hardworking, but it seems that i'm being relegated to this by conservative thinking.
Wouldn't you want your president to read opinions of those who believe America's best days are in the past? I would want my president to understand why smart people believe that, so he can do everything possible to make sure it doesn't come true. BTW, some conservative writers also think the American era is over (e.g. Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers, and A. Gary Shilling). We have already had a president who had his head in the sand. Didn't work out well for us.
Means nothing. I read books written by Christians, but it doesn't make me one.
Fareed Zakaria is a brilliant writer with brilliant ideas. In 1999, he was named %26quot;one of the 21 most important people of the 21st Century%26quot; by Esquire and in 2005, he won the World Affairs Councils of America's International Journalist Award. He serves on the boards of Yale University, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, New America Foundation and Columbia University's International House.

So we should ban people from reading books based on the author's religion? And why does reading a book mean you agree with it? Don't you think our future president should be educated as to the thoughts and ideas of many people?
No! It doesn't freaking bother me at all. I am so tired of people and trying to link Obama with Muslims. There is nothing wrong with reading a Muslim author. And what bothers me more is people that buy into this crap.

People don't know anything about Islam. NOTHING.

It's probably the most peaceful religion out there.

Just because a few radicals, everyone in the world frowns down upon it.

The %26quot;Founding Fathers%26quot; believed in Slavery, give me a freaking break.

Go and educate yourself on the ISSUES, and solely the issues, because nothing else is important. Don't listen to what the parties say about each other, look at fact check, and the candidates records. EDUCATE yourselves, and then form opinions.
when will you people give up ,nothing you have to say will change my mind, I find McCain despicable and I would never vote for him

Obama all the way,
Scholars read many books. You'd hate a college level art history class if this is the way you think. It goes into a lot of the politics and religion behind the art. The ways of governments and so on.

Trust me, I am guessing Obama knows more about the writings of founding fathers than you. Why the hell would he read the same books over and over again? Is that expanding your knowledge, reading them over and over? or is it.... Socialism you are speaking of?

There comes a time when one looks at one's fellow man, and sees him for what he is revealed by his words, and the only thing one can do is scream at the top of one's lungs at the idiocy that emanates from that direction. Surely, you would think, no one could be that stupid. If people like that are around, how can we have a democracy?

When you criticize a President for reading a book by a popular talking head and semi-expert in popular books on the middle east?

At least the Democratic candidate reads books about the middle east. I wish Bush read at least a summary.

When you quote from that book that clearly says that other countries will rise and create positive trends and peace, and the idiot describes that as 'Socialism'?

When you ask Obama, who taught constitutional law, to read a bok by the founders, when he has probably read more than he, Bush or McCain combined, what can you say?

What is there left to say? As our Democracy hangs by a thread, threatened from within by ignorance and without by scarcity, what is there left to say? How can one speak to a person so ignorant that he can hear your words?

How can you be so stupid? You try and get attention on Obama to keep our eyes off the Bush Boys and their plan to bring in the New World Order, sign of the antichrist.鈥?/a>
Well, if Obama wins- you can always move to another Country %26amp; take your chances THERE..! The World %26quot;moves on...%26quot; And if YOU can't handle the changes You don't like, then You can always step %26quot;back%26quot; %26amp; watch it go by- without You! Have a nice Weekend anyway, eh ?! :)
America you need to wake up and see the destruction that is headed for you.

If you vote for Obama than you have not only killed America but you have just put the knife in your back and everyone Else's.

McCain %26amp; Palin %26quot;08%26quot;

True Americans for the American People
You have a picture of a presidential candidate reading a best seller. Relax. He is not a socialist and no one is out to get you. He is not a terrorist. He is just of the opinion that giving more tax breaks to the wealthy will not stimulate our economy. He believes that giving more tax breaks to the middle class will. Having the very wealthy pay more tax is unfair, I agree. However, I do belive that ultimately this will allow more tax breaks for the middle class and this will stimulate our economy which will trickle up to the upper classes. In case you haven't noticed, the McCain way is exactly what we have now and it isn't working.
Read something from our founding fathers? HE TAUGHT CONSTITUTIONAL LAW! You don't get much more O.G. founding father than that. Intellectual curiosity and a desire to understand world politics is a GOOD THING in a world leader. And Fareed Zakaria? CNN, Newsweek, the Washington Post, an American citizen, non religious Indian, why are you scared of him again? Because his skin is dark? Muslim is a religion, not a race. If he is non-religious, than he is not a Muslim, he is an Indian and an AMERICAN, and a damn fine author with a better grasp of the international stage than 99.9999% of the world.

It is not because of Socialism that other countries are gaining on us around the world. They're kicking our *** at Capitalism. And even if it is Socialism, it's created 20 years of unprecedented peace and prosperity!

Read a book.

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