Friday, 16 September 2011

Did parenthood make you a better person?

Did parenthood make you a better person?

hey yal, i was just looking at photos of animals with their young and they were just beautiful and i was pondering how much motherhood has changed me as a person. i live for my son, he is my whole world. i just wondered how you all have been changed by becoming a parent, so i hope you can share that with me. thanks
Did parenthood make you a better person?
That was beautiful how you put your feelings! I learned to be more patient and walk more instead of rush. My oldest son taught me to stop and look at things and ask questions instead of running along. Both my children have taught me that dishes in the sink can wait until after story time, and running barefoot in the backyard is still okay. Bugs are now fascinating again and I can sit in my pj's on Saturday's because there is no dress code with kids. Birthday parties are all the good foods like ice cream and cake, and water balloons thrown at dad lol. My kids have taught me to appreciate the little things in life more. For that I will always be grateful! Hugs to you and all the other parents out there that take the time to think of all the positive changes kids can bring to your life! :) :) :)
Did parenthood make you a better person?
it may sound soppy but I was a lonely child, grew up in childrens homes and always wanted a family of my own. for me, the day my daughter was born, was the beginning of my life. before her birth, I just lived, now I really know what life is about.

Alot does change when you have children, I am so much stronger now, I stand up for myself and my children. I would do anythign for them and although they drive me nuts sometimes I wouldnt change a thing.

As for being a better person, I think that happens automatically. as things you used to do just dont seem to compare, well for me they dont, I used to steal, but stopped when I had my daughter... Its just wasnt worth it anymore...

well theres my 2cs... lol
Having my daughter has changed me completely. I was 17 when i had her and a typical teenager going clubbing getting drunk, not coming home for days. Then i realised i was pregnant (by my partner who I'm still with today) and knowing that a little life was growing inside me made me think and realise there is more to life then getting drunk on a Saturday night. She is my whole world and i couldn't not imagine my life with her.. I now realise why my parents were so protective of me when i never came home, it has taught me that having a child can be the best blessing you can ever have and I'm thankful everyday that i have her.
A better person? That'll depend on God to judge me.

But one thing for sure, I started thinking like never before!

Yes, in a way, I am still taming my own temper and watching myself what I say in front of my child.

But mostly, I am thinking how a parent I want to be for my child.

I use my parents as yardstick. That is.. I do not want to bring up my child like mine did.

My folks worked hard for the family. Meaning, we hardly got time to spend together.

Now, I rather be a full time parent for my child.

There are a lot of stuffs I want to do together with my child before I'll %26quot;loose%26quot; them when they become teenage n so on..
My answer, short and sweet: 27 years a mom and still counting! I grow more compassionate and loving and forgiving with each day being a mom! (And that is a single mom too!)

The ONLY negative thing I can think of is all the gray hair I got from teaching the older ones to drive, LOL!
Becoming a parent was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I saw the world through a different set of eye's the day my daughter was born. Every day that I watch her grow makes me strive to be a better person... (some day's are better then others though)
definately! I think haveing kids makes you see life in a new way! It upsets me when i see these chavvy mums, there poor babies!
I really can't say it made me a better person. It made me a more responsible person...a person willing to sacrifice anything for my kids. You mentioned animals. Before I had my first daughter I thought I could never love anyone more then I loved my dog. How silly of me. The moment I held my daughter in my arms for the first time I was astounded by the love I had for her. I've made it through the rough teenage years with my two daughters %26amp; I've come out a very, very blessed woman to have them as they are today.

There is no love stronger then a mother's love for her children.

CIS. I wish you well.
I don't have any kids yet but one day i hope to some kids. But I have a godchild who live with me his mother was there for him for nine months when she tell me keep him now she only is come see him once a week. Being with him change my life i care for him like he is my own i love my godchild alot. When he sick at night am up with minding him i drop him of to school in the morning and pick him up in the evening his mother don't know how to do that. The other day he call me mommy i was stock because he been around me so long and i take good care of him his mother always thank me for being there for him. My godchild is so big he goin to be two in September.

Me and my man tryin to have a baby now after we lost our first child in miscarriage.

I hope this was the answer you was lookin for.