Thursday, 15 September 2011

Need an interesting theme for photography?

So I am doing higher photography at school and I have to come up with a theme to take alot of photographs, it must fit in to one of these catogories:

-Youth Culture

- The camera doesnt lie

- Naturale world

I was thinking about doing the changing seasons, but that isnt very individual, anyone have interseting ideas, please help, I will be taking litterally hunderds of photos so it has to be an interseting them.... anyone have ideas, i would really appreciate help,

Thanks in advance


Need an interesting theme for photography?
-Youth Culture%26gt; Rage against the Machine

%26gt; Young Love

%26gt; Facing Adulthood

-The camera doesn't lie%26gt; Ages and faces

%26gt;Torsos big and small.

%26gt; The decisive moment in sports.

-Naturale World%26gt; loosing it.


%26gt;Beautiful Planet

Good Luck
Need an interesting theme for photography?
Youth Culture could be interesting...with the world changing so much.

I think pictures of different cliques would be interesting. Like the %26quot;geeks%26quot; arranged on the library steps. The an action picture of some of the %26quot;skaters.%26quot; etc. I think it would be awesome...I'd love to see something like that around my town.

Good Luck!
The Camera Doesn't Lie.

That one leaves you with many different options.
Do the camera doesn't lie.

Then take lots of pictures using unusual camera positions and angles which produce pictures that seem to show things as they are not.

For example, someone stands on a hill 50 yards away. Someone a few feet away from the camera holds out their hand palm up in such a way that it looks like a small person is standing on the closer person's hand. Creative use of depth of field, and use of something other than a hill, but hidden from the camera, can make this pretty convincing.

Make the camera lie.

Good luck.
I think that youth culture would be the easiest because there are youth partaking in their culture everywhere but that isn't very creative. The camera doesn't lie could take some interesting spins such as making the camera lie but there aren't many options on that spin. If you did something like catching people at odd moments or all of those pictures that are just quirky or the ones that people want to delete, you know? But that probably wouldn't make you that many friends. Natural world could be a lot of things. Outside is what comes to mind first but what about what is natural to you, in 'your world' as it would be. Ex-I'm in college and in my photography class last year we had to do something kind of like this and I chose natural world and brought a camera around with me and took pictures basically everywhere that I went effectively capturing my natural surroundings. My dorm, eating hall, lecture etc.

Hope that may have lighted a spark.
I'm not sure how this would fit into those catogories but once I saw this project where someone had a bunch of different verbs and took these cool abstract photos to illustrate each verb. (ex: to dream, to wink, to run, etc) i don't know...i thought it was cool.